European Parliament Report on combating gender stereotypes

The European Parliament (EP) is currently working on a Draft Report on eliminating gender stereotypes in the EU. As the issue is in line with EPHA’s work on sexual and reproductive health and rights and marketing, we will follow the file’s progression. We...

2012 EPHA Working Groups & Dates

Please find below a list of all EPHA Working Groups scheduled for 2012. As explained during the January PCM, this list represents the minimum number of WGs and further groups can be convened if there is enough demand or a pressing need to organise one.[N.B.: For the...
EPHA Briefing Paper on Health Inequalities

EPHA Briefing Paper on Health Inequalities

Although the issue of Health Inequalities is currently on the agenda of the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the World Health Organization, increasing economic and political pressures put even more burden on socially deprived, most vulnerable and...
EPHA Policy Recommendations on Roma Health

EPHA Policy Recommendations on Roma Health

In light of the upcoming European Summit on Roma Inclusion, EPHA has prepared policy recommendations aimed at stimulating action to improve Roma health. EPHA will attend the Summit in the framework on its work on health inequalities in Europe. Health issues facing...