
by | June 10, 2004 | Uncategorized

Skin Deep: an assessment of ingredients in personal care products

On June 7 the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit group based in Washington DC, published the findings of a study reporting that most cosmetics and other personal care products sold in the U.S. contain chemicals that have never been assessed for safety.

The group’s report, Skin Deep, mainly aims at letting consumers know what chemicals might hide in soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other products. The results of the assessment have been collected in an online database containing safety information on specific ingredients and products.

Among the ingredients in personal care products, the group found known carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, harmful impurities and untested chemicals. Of the 10,500 chemical ingredients used in personal care products, just 11 percent have been safety assessed, the report found – and the assessments were not conducted by government officials, but by a panel funded by manufacturers, the Cosmetic Industry Review board. Apparently, the Food and Drug Administration cannot require safety testing of ingredients or products before they are put on store shelves and into our bodies.

EWG’s “Skin Deep” investigation is released in conjunction with the launch of Because We’re Worth it!The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, organized to protect the health of consumers and workers by requiring the health and beauty industry to phase out the use of chemicals that are known or suspected to cause cancer, genetic mutation or reproductive harm.

The Because We’re Worth It! Campaign has been launched by the Breast Cancer Fund, Friends of the Earth, Women’s Voices for the Earth, Environmental Working Group, National Environmental Trust, National Black Environmental Justice Network, Health Care Without Harm and Commonweal.

-More information on the Because We’re Worth It! Campaign
Skin Deep report
Searchable product guide

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