
by | December 7, 2016 | Opinion, Statements

The Unhealthy Side Effects of CETA

The EU recently concluded a new free trade deal with Canada – the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA for short.

The deal has considerable side effects for people and public policy making.

It has the potential to undermine public health by opening the door for businesses to challenge public health laws, limiting policy choices for Services of General Interest (social, healthcare, education, water), promoting tobacco, alcohol and unhealthy food and ignoring antimicrobial resistance.

Through 12 concise points and 6 poignant case studies by organisations such as the University of Manchester, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA), the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the IOGT International and the Health and Trade Network, this booklet aims to expose the toll CETA would take on public health.

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