
3 Steps Towards Healthier Marketing – Improve the AVMSD

The current revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) is the opportunity to free Europe’s children and youth from health-harmful marketing. Undersigned organisations call on Members of the European Parliament to grasp this opportunity and improve the Directive.

1) Min3stepsimise young people’s exposure to marketing of health-harmful products

Mandatory measures are needed to minimise the exposure of children and youth to health-harmful marketing, regardless of whether the advertising is directly aimed at them or not.

2) Exclude alcohol and HFSS food from product placement and sponsorship

Product placement and sponsorship of alcoholic beverages and HFSS food are effective marketing techniques, and should be prohibited alongside tobacco and medicinal products.

3) Ensure that Member States can effectively limit broadcasts from other countries on public health grounds

The efforts of frontrunner governments to reduce the negative health effects of alcohol and HFSS foods marketing may not be undermined by broadcasters established in other countries. The European Commission proposal to this effect should be supported.

Over 40 supporting organisations throughout Europe:
Active Europe
Alcohol Action Ireland
Alcohol Focus Scotland
Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
Association of Italian Chiropractors
Associazione Regionale dei Club degli Alcolisti in Trattamento (ARCAT)
British Medical Association (BMA)
Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE)
Coordination des Associations et Mouvements d’Entraide Reconnus d’Utilité Publique (CAMERUP)
Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy (STAP)
European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP)
European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare)
European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM)
European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA)
European Community of Consumer Cooperatives (EUROCOOP)
European Heart Network (EHN)
European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH)
European Liver Patients Association (ELPA)
European Mutual Help Network for Alcohol Related Problems (EMNA)
European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (EHYT)
Health Equalities Group
Institute for Alcohol Studies (IAS)
Institute for Research and Development “Utrip”
International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM)
International Blue Cross (IBC)
International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA)
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)
IOGT International
Lithuanian National Tobacco and Alcohol Coalition (NTAKK)
Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN)
Pulmonary Hypertension Association Europe
Royal College of Physicians (RCP London)
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP)
Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control
Talinn Children’s Hospital Foundation
Ühendus Alkoholivaba Eesti (AVE)
United European Gastroenterology (UEG)
World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF)
World Obesity Federation

Nikolai Pushkarev

Policy Coordinator for Food, Drink and Agriculture

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