
A tobacco-free Europe — EPHA’s evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control

EPHA strives to create a healthier and tobacco-free Europe. As such, we actively participated in the recent Public Consultation on the legislative framework for Tobacco Control in the European Union. The consultation aimed to gather stakeholder opinions on the current regulations, including the Tobacco Product Directive (TPD), Tobacco Advertising Directive (TAD), and the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

EPHA’s involvement aims to address the pressing issue of tobacco use – the leading preventable cause of death and disease, resulting in over 700,000 deaths in the EU each year.

EPHA recognises the need to strengthen the existing tobacco control framework and align with the targets set forth in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, aiming for a remarkable 30% reduction in tobacco use by 2025 and ultimately achieving a 5% tobacco prevalence level by 2040. By participating in the consultation, we contributed our expertise and advocacy efforts to shape the discussion surrounding tobacco control policies to reduce smoking prevalence and protect public health. Together with the Smoke Free Partnership, a driving force behind this initiative, as well as our other dedicated members and partners, EPHA is committed to forging a tobacco-free Europe.

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