August 18, 2021The European Health Data Space: is there room enough for all?What will the European Health Data Space mean for patients in Europe? Read EPHA’s response...Consultation ResponsesDigital HealthDigital TransformationOpinion
June 2, 2021Get the balance right: AI-based decision-making: the prospects and risks for healthAI-based decision-making, prospects, and risks for health in relation to the 2020 White Paper on...Digital HealthDigital TransformationOpinion
February 8, 2021Nothing to declare? EU vaccine certificates, mobility and vulnerable groupsHow will the use of COVID-19 vaccine certificates affect the most vulnerable in our society?Access to MedicinesHealth EquityHealthcare DeliveryOpinion
December 2, 2020What are the ingredients for a sustainable digital health ecosystem?The e-transformation in public health is a possible way to inspire more preventive population actions...Digital HealthDigital TransformationOpinion