
Call for tender – Video project on public health as an EU priority

01/02/2024 – Update: We have successfully secured a project leader for our video initiative.

In the lead up to the European Elections next year and the following renewal of the European Commission we wish to commission a video highlighting the priority that Public Health should be afforded by the EU. 

This video project would thus highlight why the topic of health is so vital to the EU, as well as why public health issues such as equity, protection of vulnerable groups and the determinants of health form such a core part of this priority for the EU. 

This video project would draw upon the lessons from the current EU mandate period, the COVID-19 pandemic and its various impacts. 

The video will contain personal stories of those affected: 

  • Patients – People who suffered ill health either as a direct consequence of COVID-19 or due to other conditions exacerbated by the strain that COVID placed on health care systems (such as late diagnosis or treatment unavailability). 
  • Healthcare professionals – The impact of a public health crisis on healthcare provision and the perspective of the professionals impacted. 
  • Frontline “key workers” – Care home staff, teachers or logistics supply staff at the frontline of a public health emergency. 
  • Vulnerable groups – People from groups that had higher rates of COVID than average, for example, the elderly, immunosuppressed, ethnic minorities, etc.  
  • People now living with long COVID. 
  • EU policy makers / officials who had to redraw their programmes and priorities soon after the current Commission began its mandate. 

The video project would provide a resource of several short clips telling the pandemic stories from these various perspectives and highlighting why EU public health initiatives need to remain a priority. These story videos would also form the content for a collation where all angles are assembled supporting public health as an EU priority. 

For both the individual stories and the collation, stock footage from news coverage of the healthcare crisis would need to be sought and rights to use within the videos produced obtained.  

These stories would also provide video content for editing into a shorter collation for use in social media – another deliverable for the project. 

Those interested should email the project lead either for more information or with their offer directly. Respondents should provide outlines of the costs and expected timelines for delivery of the project. 


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