Strengthening Public Health Across the European Union
A closer looks at EPHA’s priorities ahead of the European elections
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe in March 2020, the issue of health has risen considerably up the European political agenda, making the EU’s 2019-2024 mandate an essential guide for public health policies. The crisis also prompted the EU to establish a European Health Union, that now needs to be further developed. Furthermore, coordination on vaccines and on crisis management was key, nearly from the start of the mandate, as was the creation of the new Directorate General for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (DG HERA). Throughout this time, several important health initiatives have been developed, notably Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the European Health Data Space, together with calls for an initiative on mental health. Other developments, such as the EU Green Deal will also be crucial in protecting health in the future. Recently, the new Global Health Strategy was published, and the mandate has also seen progress on the Pharmaceutical Strategy even if this and other initiatives, such as the Food Information to Consumers Regulation, have been delayed. The next mandate will need to deliver on initiatives that have already started, as well on those expected to be launched, and close the implementation gap. It will also need to ensure that health continues to be maintained high up the political agenda.
Ahead of the 2024 European Parliamentary elections, the European Public Health Alliance has identified five key priorities to keep health high on the political agenda, advance public health for all, and promote more resilient and equitable public health systems across the European Union.
Keeping health as a top priority on the EU political agenda
Investing in health and wellbeing for all must be a priority. The effects of neglecting health became evident in the COVID-19 pandemic, one of several concurrent crises. The EU must commit to breaking policy silos, use systems-thinking in addressing the permacrisis, and increase actions on health across all policy areas. This should be embodied in a dedicated European Commission Vice-President on health and social rights and wellbeing.
Providing the means for an ambitious EU health policy
Secure an ambitious budget for health. Delivering ambitious EU objectives at the EU and global levels requires that health be viewed as an investment rather than a cost. Investing in health systems and addressing health workforce shortages across the EU, and in parallel investing in disease prevention and health promotion policies, is the only way to secure social cohesion, equity, wellbeing and productivity across the EU.
Ensuring equal access to health and care
In prioritising health, the EU should ensure that its policies aimed at improving public health and building health-enabling environments are developed with equity in mind and reach all people living in the EU. Particular attention should be paid to marginalised groups, who often face inequities, especially in accessing health and care, and in the context of digital transformation of health systems.
Enhancing civil society participation in health policymaking
Among its activities and roles, civil society is a watchdog, securing the transparency and democracy of the European policy making process. It is also critical in supporting the most vulnerable in adverse times, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war. It is the EU’s responsibility to safeguard inclusive and transparent policymaking processes that provide civil society with a real seat at the table, including in co-creation of policies, programmes and services. To do so systematically, a Civil Society Strategy that will secure adequate and sustainable funding for civil society of all sectors, including through multiannual frameworks for operating grants, is vital.
Securing a healthy planet for healthy people
Secure the EU’s capacity for resilience and robustness in an era of permacrisis. The EU faces a converging set of crises, ranging from pandemics and geopolitical conflicts to climate change and socio-economic instability. It is essential to implement a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach to create a strong healthy environment. A key component of this environment should be the promotion of health-focused research for implementation and innovation, given the cross-cutting impact of health on all areas of life. An important element should be the promotion of research and innovation in health.
These priorities are in line with the best available evidence and aligned with the expectations
of EU citizens regarding several determinants of health.
MEPs: Will you support this cause?
We are calling on all candidates for the European elections to commit to maintaining public health high up the EU political agenda, protecting and improving public health and the wellbeing of everyone across the continent, and promoting more resilient, robust and equitable health systems. A strong European Health Union is urgently needed to foster health and wellbeing for all, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and identity, religion, social or economic status.
Read and sign the pledge below and defend the health of millions of people across Europe!
If elected as a Member of the future European Parliament, I pledge to:
- Ensure that health is kept as a top priority on the EU political agenda, supporting long-term investments in health and wellbeing for all, breaking policy silos and increasing actions on health across policy areas, building health-enabling environments while promoting a One Health approach.
- Advocate for this priority to be reflected in the EU’s institutional setting and structure, notably through pushing for the appointment of a dedicated European Commission Vice-President on health, social rights and wellbeing and making permanent the subcommittee on health (SANT) in the European Parliament.
- Secure an ambitious budget to implement and develop a strong European Health Union and strive for investments in disease prevention, health promotion and health systems, addressing current challenges such as the health and care workforce shortages.
- Commit to EU action that promotes health equity, social justice and social rights, tackling discrimination of all forms, ensuring equitable health outcomes, advocating with and for marginalised and vulnerable groups, through an inter-sectoral approach addressing the social determinants of health.
- Ensuring equal access to care and medicines on a European and global level, especially by securing transparency and accountability in the implementation of the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy and the EU Global Health Strategy.
- Commit to EU action that fosters digital health literacy, digital health tools and ethical use of health data and AI in healthcare.
- Strive to enhance civil society participation in health policymaking, providing it with a real seat at the table for the co-creation of policies, programmes and services, as well as with adequate and sustainable funding.
- Commit to EU action to develop a comprehensive strategy to prevent and tackle non-communicable diseases, to foster the creation of healthy environments and sustainable food systems, and to address the commercial and socioeconomic determinants of health.
- Support strong EU leadership and global cooperation to address the burning challenge of anti-microbial resistance.
- Support policies that take a cross-sectoral approach to climate and health, supporting the energy transition and ensuring a just and green transition.
- Commit to EU policies promoting research and innovation in health, and a holistic and effective approach to addressing ongoing and future health challenges and crises.
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