Towards a childhood free from unhealthy food marketing

Explore what the EU can do to protect children’s rights and health

The evidence is clear: unhealthy food marketing affects what children eat and ultimately, their health and well-being. European health, consumer, child, and family organisations call on the EU to tackle the exposure of young people to the promotion of nutritionally poor food. A blueprint Directive presents how the EU can use its powers to regulate health-harmful cross-border marketing.

Protect children from the marketing of nutritionally poor food by:

Ending the marketing of nutritionally poor food between 6am and 11pm on broadcast media.

Ending the sponsorship of sports events by food brands, unless brands can prove that such sponsorship is not associated with nutritionally poor food.

Ending the marketing of nutritionally poor food on digital media.

Ending the use of marketing techniques appealing to children for the promotion of nutritionally poor food, including on food packages. In particular, influencers and other personalities shall not promote nutritionally poor food.


Alba Gil

Alba Gil

Policy Officer

With special thanks to Prof. Amandine Garde, University of Liverpool

Lead author of the Blueprint Directive

Also thanks to Dr. Marine Friant-Perrot, University of Nantes, and Dr. Mimi Tatlow-Golden, Open University, as well as all participating organisations (see above) for their input and expertise.

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