The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on a Clean Industrial Deal (CID), recognising its potential to drive industrial decarbonisation and accelerate Europe’s path towards meeting its climate objective. However, EPHA stresses the need for stronger integration of public health and environmental considerations within industrial policy to ensure a truly sustainable and clean industrial base for Europe. While the CID rightly aims to align industrial policy with climate goals, concerns persist over Europe’s continued reliance on fossil fuels, especially natural gas, which undermines long-term health and climate objectives. To ensure success, the CID must align closely with renewable energy targets and actions to reduce air pollution. Strengthening these synergies will be vital to achieving a clean, resilient, and health-conscious industrial transformation.
To ensure the success of the Clean Industrial Deal in advancing public health and climate objectives, EPHA urges policymakers to:
• Drive ambitious pollution reduction efforts through industrial policy, to protect health, prevent disease, and reduce the substantial costs of pollution, particularly air pollution.
• Advance a fast, fair, and clean energy transition with clear fossil fuel phaseout targets and rapid electrification based on non-polluting renewables, ensuring affordable access while protecting society from the health and economic toll of the accelerating climate crisis.
• Guarantee transparent, inclusive governance by involving civil society, including health organisations, in decision making.