
by | October 15, 2003 | Uncategorized

Commission increases funding in cancer research

On 9 October, the European Commission announced that it will fund 19 new projects, worth 100 million euro, in the field of cancer research.

The funding will be allocated within one of the priorities of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) ‘Genomics and biotechnology for health’.

The projects range from investigating links between genomics and cancer, and developing imaging and radiotherapy technologies, to establishing clinical trials for breast cancer and leukaemia, and helping to create bio-banks and cancer registers.

Two further calls for proposals will be announced early next year and will cover areas such as pre-clinical tests, new therapies, cancer in high-risk populations, familial cancers and uncommon cancers, immunological control of tumours and molecular detection and treatment of minimal disease.

Commission’s press release.

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