
by | December 4, 2018 | Uncategorized

Consultation I Towards an EU strategic framework for the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

Consultation closed.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major burden on Europe’s people, healthcare budgets and economic development. To enable a systematic approach to tackle these largely preventable conditions, EPHA and ECDA, with its members and partners, have launched a process to call for the establishment of an EU strategic framework on NCDs towards 2030.

This paper, which will be aimed at the incoming European Commission and European Parliament following EU elections, proposes a set of basic principles, priorities and actions for such strategic framework.

The current document is published as part of a round of external consultation sourcing contributions from a wider range of stakeholders. We welcome your suggestions to the document through the contact form below.

Please do not provide editorial suggestions, but essential comments to the proposal. Also, please consider leaving your contact details so we can get in touch should any further clarification be required.

The Consultation period closes on Friday 1 March 2019.



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