
Consultation Response I A Farm to Fork Strategy for sustainable food systems

In its response to the consultation on the Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy, EPHA strongly supports a comprehensive transition towards sustainable food systems, with special focus on reshaping food environments and reducing antibiotics use.

For EPHA, a central pillar of the F2F strategy should be to facilitate the uptake of more healthy, tasty, plant-rich diets with less and better animal products. This requires the introduction of an “Action Plan for the creation of healthy and sustainable food environments”. This action plan should focus on rolling-out key food policies at both EU and national levels, as appropriate.


7 Policies for Healthy Food Environments

1) Tackle unhealthy marketing and advertising through regulatory action;
2) Ensure easy-to-use and reliable consumer nutrition information;
3) Introduce healthy pricing policies;
4) Support sustainable public food procurement;
5) Drive product (re)formulation;
6) Create healthy retail, restaurant, urban and school environments;
7) Ensure independent nutrition education and information.

6 Headline Targets

1) 500 grams of fruit and vegetables per person per day as a population-based average by 2030

2) 0% increase in childhood obesity in the EU by 2025/2030

3) 20-30% decrease in obesity among the adult population by 2030

4) 0% of population unable to afford a nutritious meal every second day by 2030

5) Increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months up to at least 50% by 2030

6) At least 85-90% of farm antibiotic use should be for individual treatment and at most 10-15% should be for group treatments by 2030

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