
COVID-19 Response: the effectiveness of country-specific measures

The spread of COVID-19 took the world by storm and very few places have been left untouched. With the aim to contain the virus, countries around the world have resorted to school and workplace closure, cancelation of public events and gatherings, mandatory mask use, testing, travel restrictions, curfews, and other measures. Every country’s lockdown is different, and the measures adopted have varied across Europe and beyond.  

A study issued under EPHA’s article series on health inequalities, informs policymakers about the effectiveness of country-specific COVID-19 responses in reducing the cases of COVID-19 and the role of health inequalities. The responses of Italy, Sweden, and South Korea between March and September 2020 were selected for an in-depth analysis. 

Article series on health inequalities

EPHA has called on researchers and policy analysts to submit articles to help build knowledge about how the health of disadvantaged groups is affected by inequalities in areas such as employment, housing, education, healthcare, environment, and climate. 

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