
EPHA and OHCHR present critical health-focused anti-racism recommendations to the European Commission

The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for Europe hand over a consultation report to representatives of the European Commission in a crucial step towards health equity and the right to health in Europe.

The new von der Leyen Commission has confirmed in its political guidelines that the upcoming Commissioner for Equality will be tasked with developing a post-2025 anti-racism strategy, a follow-up to the current 2020-2025 EU Anti-racism Action Plan.

Milka Sokolović, EPHA Director General and Elena Kountouri, Acting Regional Representative for Europe at OHCHR, handed over a consultation report with 6 recommendations, focusing on People of African Descent to representatives of the Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, providing the European Commission with clear guidance on health for the EU’s anti-racism policy, a topic that was barely spoken about in the previous decade.

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