
EPHA Concurs with Council Diagnosis on the EU Health Union

The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)  welcomes the Council (EPSCO) Conclusions on the Future of the European Health Union

EPHA expresses its approval and support for the recently agreed Council Conclusions adopted today on the Future of the European Health Union. These Conclusions align closely with EPHA’s own assessment of the need for a stronger EU Health Union to advance evidence-driven public health policies that prioritise prevention, equity, and sustainability.

The Conclusions underscore the urgent need to build upon and improve the European Health Union to address the systemic challenges faced by health systems across the continent. They lay out a comprehensive framework for strengthening the health workforce, enhancing health data usage, and promoting disease prevention, including protecting children from the marketing of addictive substances, all crucial areas of EPHA’s advocacy.

However, EPHA notes some critical areas where the Conclusions could have been stronger, notably the absence of food systems, conflict of interest controls, support for civil society and health equity.

EPHA stands ready to support the implementation of these Conclusions. We will continue working closely with our members and allies to ensure that these priorities, alongside our recommended improvements, remain at the forefront during the mandate of the next European Commission. Together, we can create a Europe that not only cares but effectively prepares and protects its citizens against current and future health challenges.

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