
by | September 7, 2012 | News Release

EPHA contribution to the Commisison consultation on Urban Mobility

EPHA strongly believes that urban mobility policies have a considerable impact on the population’s health and that the current EU framework represents an opportunity to fight against the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases now and in the future. EPHA shared its concerns and suggestions for future improvement in its contribution to the Commission consultation on the implementation of the Action Plan on Urban Mobility.

While the European Commission Action Plan on Urban Mobility was welcomed back in 2009, EPHA wants to share a number of concerns and suggest improvements to implement in the future.

EPHA contribution to the European Commission consultation on the implementation of the Action Plan on Urban Mobility can be accessed here.

EPHA strongly believes that urban mobility policies can have a considerable impact on EU citizens’ health conditions, in respect of chronic non-communicable diseases both now and in the future.

Urban mobility is also key to providing opportunities for social participation, as accessible features can allow citizens, especially older people or persons with disabilities to be more mobile and thus participate in social life. Therefore, urban mobility policies have the potential to encourage physical activity and social participation, with the health and environmental benefits that go with that.

By providing additional leisure and play facilities, encouraging walking and cycling and using cost-efficient public transport instead of private cars by, for example, could help reshape the way cities are organised and interconnected, with urban mobility policies contributing to the reduction of traffic congestion and related environmental damage, accidents and related injuries. In addition, urban mobility can help combat poverty and social exclusion, alleviate crime and increase social cohesion, trust and well-being.

For further information:

European Commission webpage on urban mobility


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