
by | May 28, 2012 | News Release

EPHA Media Reaction – Scotland backs minimum alcohol price

The Scottish Parliament overwhelmingly passed a bill yesterday introducing a 0.50£ (0.63€) minimum price for a unit of alcohol. Cut-price alcohol beverages will be outlawed in Scotland from as early as April next year.

The measure is expected to reduce binge drinking, having a positive impact on the region’s health and crime levels. As Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish health secretary says “it will help Scotland achieve a ‘cultural shift’ in its unhealthy attitudes to alcohol.“(1)

Now the Scottish government must notify the European Commission, which will embark on a three-month consultation that will certainly trigger legal action by the drinks industry.

Monika Kosińska, Secretary General of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) (2), said:

“The Scottish have set the first legally-binding minimum price within the EU. I hope other EU governments are encouraged by this move, and follow suit in a measure that, if applied across the rest of Europe, would save many lives every year. This move by the Scottish Government is a powerful demonstration of decisive action to tackle our biggest health challenges.”

EPHA Media Reaction – Scotland backs minimum alcohol price (pdf)

Notes to editors

(1) Scottish parliament backs cut-price alcohol clampdown

(2) EPHA is the European Platform bringing together public health organisations representing professional groups, patients, health promotion and disease specific NGOs and other health associations. EPHA receives financial support from grants from a number of bodies including the European Commission, via the Public Health Programme of the European Union.

To know more

. Alcohol minimum pricing bill passed

. EPHA Briefing on Minimum Pricing for Alcohol

. Minimum pricing for alcohol: EPHA applauds landmark move by leading UK retailer

Contact information

Javier Delgado Rivera, Communications Coordinator- +32 2 233 38 76 or

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