
by | October 10, 2014 | News Release, Statements

EPHA statement on the return of pharmaceutical and medical devices to the health department of the EU

October 10th 2014, Brussels – According to statements by both the S&D (1) and Green Groups (2) yesterday, it seems likely that President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker is intending to soften his decision to move pharmaceutical policy from the health portfolio to enterprise. EPHA welcomes this news as a step in the right direction and a possible cause for celebration for the European Parliament (3) and the public health community (4).

“I would like to applaud President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker for showing flexibility on this decision, indicating that he indeed recognises that medicines are not an ordinary internal market good and that pharmaceutical policy is crucial to the sustainability of health systems,” said Peggy Maguire, EPHA President.

If the decision is reversed, Commissioner designate for Health and Food Safety, Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis (5), would have the tools to fulfil his mandate to harmonise pharmaceutical governance within the EU and facilitate emergency preparedness; the very reasons that led the European Commission to move responsibility for medicines and medical devices to DG SANCO in the first place.

“EPHA would like to congratulate Commissioner designate Andruikaitis for his leadership on health in the EU. Official confirmation of this decision would show how policy makers and civil society can work together to achieve positive outcomes for Europe and would be a very positive start to this legislature,” concluded Emma Woodford, EPHA Interim Secretary General.

Contact information

Javier Delgado Rivera, EPHA Communications Coordinator at or +32(0) 2 230 3076.

Notes to the editors

(1) Socialists Win Early Concession on Public Health from new Commission.

(2) EU medicine regulation in the new Commission

(3) Strong voice of EU leaders, academics, and health organisations united against the EU Commission pharma policy move.

(4) Open Letter] [To President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker on move of medicinal products and health technologies to the portfolio of the Commissioner for internal market and industry.

(5) EPHA public statement on the designation of Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis as new European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

EPHA statement on the return of pharmaceutical and medical devices to the health department of the EU <img7253|center>

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