
by | February 23, 2015 | Uncategorized

EPHA urges EU Parliament to bring health concerns to the European Semester

23 February 2015 – EPHA has urged members of the Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) Committee to consider health in their report on the 2015 Annual Growth Survey, which is part of the EU’s macroeconomic oversight programme known as the European Semester.

The original text of the ECON Committee report does not make any reference to health. The opinion adopted by the ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) Committee on 29 January makes a number of suggestions, including:

– the danger of short-term savings for the mid- to long-terms costs and the future development of high-quality and high-efficiency healthcare systems;
– the role of the European Semester as a tool for strengthening and safeguarding healthcare systems and;
– the importance of investing in health, as a sector which represents 8% of the workforce and 10% of EU GDP.

EPHA Letter to MEP Rosati, Rapporteur

EPHA asked the Rapporteur, MEP Rosati (EPP, PL), along with the shadow rapporteurs in the ECON Committee to give greater consideration to health. The report is scheduled to be put to the vote at today’s (23 February) meeting of the ECON Committee.

For further information:

Legislative file 2014/2221(INI)

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