
by | December 5, 2023 | News Release

EPHA welcomes the 2024 workplan for EU4Health that includes the continuation of OPGs

On behalf of both EPHA and its members, but also the broad EU4Health CSA, I warmly welcome the adoption of the 2024 workplan for EU4Health that includes the continuation of the operating grants for civil society in 2024 and announces an upcoming call for Framework Partnership Agreements for 2025-2026.

It’s been a tough uphill battle first to reinstate the operating grants in 2021 when they were suddenly withdrawn for health NGOs, and now to restore the longer-term prospect to it.

We are especially grateful to Commissioner Kyriakides and her team for their understanding of the critical value of independent, active civil society. Their relentless work against the opposition has been critical to bring back operating grants and save EU Health NGOs to make sure that all together we secure equitable health policies and improve public health for all.

#BringBackOperatingGrants #SaveEUHhealthNGOs

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