
EPHA’s Recommendations to the European Commission’s initiative on vaccine-preventable cancers

The European Public Health Alliance, supported by its members, recommends for inclusion in the upcoming EU Council Recommendation on vaccine-preventable cancers, sections and commitments related to:


  1. Accelerating the achievement of HPV cancer elimination through universal and gender-neutral vaccination.
  2. Increasing coverage of HBV vaccination including for new-borns, children and risk-groups.
  3. Ensuring a focus on inequalities throughout the recommendation with specific actions to reach excluded, marginalised, and discriminated groups.
  4. Ensuring a stable supply environment for HPV and HBV vaccines across Europe so as to improve access.
  5. Committing Member States to further facilitate access to vaccination and to implement coordinated vaccination catch-up programmes among the population.
  6. Enhancing EU level action against misinformation and disinformation about vaccination on social media.
  7. Actively tracking and monitoring progress towards the achievement of HPV and HBV cancers elimination goals.
  8. Creating synergies between the European Commission and World Health Organisation in implementing policies and strategies for the elimination of all cancers and diseases caused by HPV and HBV.
  9. Urging Member States to adopt public health strategies that include educational campaigns at a multi-stakeholders level.

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