
by | May 16, 2013 | Uncategorized

Summary of EU Roma policy framework

National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS)

Many of the estimated 10-12 million Roma in Europe face prejudice, intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion in their daily lives. They are marginalised and live in very poor socio-economic conditions.

This EU Framework seeks to make a tangible difference to Roma people’s lives.

It is the EU’s response to the current situation and does not replace Member States’ primary responsibility in this regard.

With this EU Framework, the European Commission encourages Member States, in proportion to the size of the Roma population living in their territories and taking into account their different starting points, to adopt or to develop further a comprehensive approach to Roma integration.

The Council conclusions of May and June 2011 on Roma integration, following the proposal from the European Commission on an EU Framework for national Roma integration strategies mark an unprecedented commitment by EU Member States to promoting the inclusion of Roma on their territory.

In this framework, all Member States were expected to present to the European Commission a strategy for Roma inclusion or sets of policy measures within their social inclusions policies for improving the situation of Roma people. For this purpose they set up national contact points.

The European Commission assessed these strategies and published its conclusions in the communication “National Roma Integration Strategies: a first step in the implementation of the EU Framework ” and in a staff working document, adopted on 21 May 2012.

The national strategies are available below in the language version provided to the European Commission. Factsheets of the assessment made by the Commission in 2012 are also available for each country.


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