Together with three other representatives of the EU Civil Society Contact Group, the EPHA Secretariat met with Pascal Leardini, Head of Unit, Secretariat General of the European Commission.
The objective of the meeting was to get more information on how the EU Budget Review will be carried out and its impact on the upcoming Multi-Annual Financial Perspectives.
The European Commission will publish an orientation paper on the EU budget to set up the principles and priorities of the EU Budget. The European Parliament and the Council will be invited to respond. On that basis, the European Commission will propose the Multi-Annual Financial Perspectives that will be up for political discussion for 18 months.
In 2013, the European Commission expects to propose EU programmes (e.g. the Public Health Programme) for adoption by the co-regulators.
– Between June and September 10: publication of an EC orientation paper to set up the principles and priorities of the EU Budget
– Between publication date and end of 2010: European Parliament report and Council conclusions on the orientation paper
– Jan 2011 – June 2011: EC drafts the Financial Perspective legal document
– June 2011 – Dec 2012 (at the latest): political discussion and approval of the Financial Perspective
– 2013: drafting and adoption of all related programmes (Structural Funds, FP8, etc…)
– Jan 2014: entry into force of the Financial Perspectives 2014-2019 or 2014 -2021
What will be in the orientation paper?
The future EU Budget will be based on the new Lisbon Treaty, the EU 2020 strategy and the EC work programme. It will define principles for the Financial Perspectives as well as their priorities, but it will not be a binding document. It will address the issues of flexibility (i.e., the possibility to move funds from one heading to the other), simplification of regulatory procedures, quality of expenditures and abandoning correction mechanism (i.e., the UK rebate)
Discussions are ongoing in the European Commission about shifting away from small grants to bigger amounts and auditing projects and tenders on deliverables rather than checks and balances.
Regarding priorities, the EU budget is unlikely to increase due to the current financial and economic difficulties. They will be re-oriented towards the new Lisbon Treaty provisions (such as sports), which means that some funding will need to be reshuffled or reduced if they are not core activities of the EU.
The Common Agriculture Policy budget is likely to be stable and the European Development Fund will be incorporated into the EU Budget.
For more information, contact Anne Hoel at the Secretariat