European Charter on Health Equity

COVID-19 has highlighted and exacerbated gaps and limitations in health protection and prevention in Europe.

Ethnic minorities, Roma, migrants and people with a migrant background, homeless people, disabled persons, prisoners, LGBTIQ+ are disproportionately affected by poor health and experience inequalities in accessing basic rights and services.

On Human Rights Day 2020, the European Public Health Alliance launched the revised European Charter on Health Equity to improve health and well-being for all and prevent unfair and avoidable health inequalities.

Join our call to European and national decision makers to:

Invest in Early Childhood Development.

Prioritise investment in social, health and human rights protection focusing on the most vulnerable across all parts of society.

Promote equal opportunities and inclusiveness in employment across Europe.

Implement targeted actions to mitigate the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable.

Ensure a high standard of living that enables and fosters health and well-being by investing in healthy and sustainable communities.

Ensure equal access to health coverage and quality healthcare and prevention, including family planning and reproductive rights services for all.

Work collaboratively to promote holistic and targeted policies targeted to vulnerable, socially excluded and marginalised communities.

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