
by | April 30, 2013 | Uncategorized

[European Observatory] Venice Summer School 2013

The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the Veneto Region of Italy are organising a Summer School with the title “Time for Change: Innovative Ways of Improving Population Healthâ€

The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the Veneto Region of Italy are organising a Summer School with the title “Time for Change: Innovative Ways of Improving Population Health

European countries increasingly recognize the importance of population health interventions in national health policy. Too often though, public health runs along traditional lines, drawing on established knowledge and training but overlooking key developments and issues such as contextual challenges posed by the economic crisis; improvements in measurement of health needs; and new evidence on the effectiveness of different interventions on health determinants.

This Summer School will bring together the latest evidence on new developments to:

  • provide an account of innovative strategies to improve population health;
  • assess the implications of improved measurement of burden of disease, determinants of health, health outcomes and well-being;
  • interpret what innovative interventions mean;
  • draw practical policy and implementation lessons to deliver better public health interventions.


The six day course combines formal teaching with a participative approach that includes participant presentations, round tables, panel discussions and group work. It uses the latest evidence; a multidisciplinary team of experts; and the insights of key international organisations, not least the World Health Organisation, the European Commission and professional organisations, such as the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), the Association of Public Health Schools in the European Region (ASPHER) and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), to put forward views and proposals on public health innovation.


This Summer School is primarily aimed at senior to mid-level policy-makers although some more junior professionals will be included. All participants should be working in a decision-making or advisory institution – government, nongovernmental, (public) health institute, insurance board or association, regulator, or professional body – that focuses on policy and management at a regional, national or European level.

The cost is €1,950 and covers all accommodation and meals, the course, teaching materials, transfers to and from the airport and the social programme. Applications are welcome from all 53 WHO European Region Member States and the programme will be tailored, so far as is possible, to the mix of participants. If places allow, participants from outside the Region will be considered.

Potential participants are requested to apply by completing a form and submitting it along with their CV by 7 June 2013 to Early applications are encouraged and successful applicants will be notified by 17 June 2013 at the latest.

For further information:
– Visit Observatory Venice Summer School 2013
– Download the announcement on pdf
2013 Summer School application form
2013 Summer School web site

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