
by | June 16, 2010 | News Release

European Parliament plenary fails to protect the health of Europe’s most vulnerable through clear food labelling

In its June plenary session, the European Parliament voted against including traffic lights in food labelling legislation. In line with consumer research, traffic lights have been supported by the public health community as a means to help consumers make health choices quickly. At the same time, Members of Parliament voted to include nutrient profiles and this step is hailed by the public health community.

*** Press Release – For Immediate Release***

European Parliament plenary fails to protect the health of Europe’s most vulnerable through clear food labelling

Brussels, 16 June 2010

The European Parliament has failed European citizens in its vote on Food Information to Consumers in today’s plenary session. The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) announced its disappointment at the European Parliament decision to disregard scientific evidence and prove itself unwilling to demonstrate its commitment to tackle the obesity epidemic.

EPHA strongly supports a traffic light system on food labeling, in line with independent public health evidence, which allows all consumers to make quick and simple choices on food, empowering them to choose products that benefit their health. “What we have seen today is a triumph of industry lobbying over the public interest“, said Monika Kosinska, Secretary General of the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA).

The food labelling regulation process is still on-going with a Council position expected in the coming months. “Member States have an opportunity to save this process and find an adequate solution. They will need to show determination to fulfill their responsibility to defending the public interest“, continued Monika Kosinska.

However, today’s decision to maintain nutrient profiles is celebrated by the public health community. “It is now time for Commissioner Dalli to present a clear proposal on the development of nutrient profiles, so as to lay a solid basis for responsible marketing of food products by economic operators“, added Ms Kosinska.


EPHA is the European Platform bringing together public health organisations representing professional groups, patients, health promotion and disease specific NGOs and other health associations.

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Further information on the EPHA position on food labelling can be found here.

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