
by | December 13, 2011 | Uncategorized

European Parliament resolution calls for enhancing professional mobility

On 15 November 2011, the European Parliament approved a resolution asking for a liberalisation of professional qualifications, thereby providing the Commission with further ”food for thought” for elaborating its proposals for the revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive (DIR 36).

The European Parliament expressed itself in favour of speeding up the recognition process for professional qualifications, including those of health professionals, of EU citizens wishing to work in another Member State.

Heeding calls by professionals to act and enhance their mobility, the Parliament’s Own Initiative Report by rapporteur Emma McClarkin MEP (ECR, UK) is nonetheless largely in line with EPHA response to the Green Paper consultation, as well as the Joint Statement with EPF, EWL and BEUC on maintaining minimum training standards): it supports increased use of the Internal Market Information System (IMI) in order to simplify administrative procedures for applicants and processing authorities, encourage closer collaboration and information exchange between competent authorities and other stakeholders, and introduce an alert mechanism for cases where individuals are no longer authorised to practice.

Although the report proposes a reduction of the overall number of regulated professions in order to enhance mobility, it highlights that exceptions are required for certain health professions.

On the issue of a European professional card, the EP report takes the stance that this could be a useful tool, however any such card must be voluntary, secure, and subject to impact assessments and detailed evaluation studies. This also reflects recent discussions at EU level.

The resolution received a clear majority of 463 votes in favour. Although it is non-binding, it will influence the Commission’s proposals; Parliament’s support will ultimately be necessary to approve any changes.

EPHA has itself argued in the European Parliament that keeping the debate high on the EU agenda is essential, and it will continue its advocacy work following the release of the Commission’s proposals.


For futher information

European Parliament Own Initiative Report on the implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive

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