On 5 May 2015, Nessa Childers MEP (S&D, Ireland) will host an event co-organised by EPHA together with the Health Workers for All (HW4All) project and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU). This policy seminar, at the European Parliament in Brussels, is an opportunity to discuss the principles contained in the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel in the European context.
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The event, ‘Mobility of Health Professionals in the EU: Ethical recruitment and Policy Coherence’ will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the status quo of the implementation of the WHO Global Code in Europe, and to bring relevant messages to MEPs with an interest in health workforce issues.
The seminar will provide a chance to present and discuss good practice examples related to ethical recruitment and the rights of mobile health workers adopted by European countries, including those instigated by trade unions, health professional organisations and other stakeholders.
Timing & location: 5 May 2015, 12h30 – 15h30, Altiero Spinelli room A3G-2, European Parliament, Brussels
Background: The global health worker crisis is growing, and incoherent polices at the European level are contributing to it. In 2010, the member states of the World Health Organization endorsed the WHO Global Code, which addresses the root causes of health workforce migration and brain drain and urges its signatories to adopt ethical recruitment practices, boost education and training, increase retention, and improve working conditions, remuneration and migrants’ rights.
The principles of the WHO Code are equally valid at EU level where increased migration from poorer Member States, as well as from countries hit hard by the ongoing economic crisis, is creating distribution imbalances within and between countries that potentially threaten the sustainability of health systems and contribute to an increase in health inequalities.
Despite the WHO Code – which was endorsed by the EU and its Member States and became an integral part of the Action Plan on the EU Health Workforce in 2012 – political consensus on sustainable health workforce management is still a way off. The event is a timely opportunity to discuss concrete solutions and share good practices.
For further information please consult the attached draft agenda
Audience: The conference is open to policy makers from the EU Institutions and those working at national/regional/local levels, health professionals, health managers, representatives of patient groups and vulnerable groups, NGOs, academics and others interested in mobility of health professionals and the many policy areas that influence health workforce sustainability (development, migration, economic governance, social policy, etc.).
The event will be open to both EPHA members and non-members working on health workforce policies and their impact on health system sustainability.
To register: Please use this registration link in order to obtain security clearance. Please indicate whether you have a badge to access the European Parliament.
Please contact martyna@epha.org for further information about this event.