
by | September 25, 2024 | Reports

Event report on Joint Equinet-EPHA-OHCHR Roundtable – Monitoring Effective Access to Quality Healthcare for Roma and Racialised Communities

Health equity depends on inclusivity, and the European Union has a number of strategies at its disposal that are crucial for driving inclusion; the Union of Equality Strategies. Among them, the EU Roma Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion and participation is one of the longest-standing, with over two decades of development. As such, it can provide a wealth of good and bad practices for further improvement; lessons that have the potential to inform other EU inclusion strategies. 

On 25 September 2024, Equinet, in partnership with the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Regional Office for Europe – supported by the DisQo Stakeholder Network – held a roundtable titled ‘Monitoring Effective Access to Quality Healthcare for Roma and Racialised Communities.’ A wide range of stakeholders discussed how health equity and monitoring frameworks could advance a true Union of Equality, particularly through the post-2025 EU Anti-racism Action Plan (EU ARAP). They did so by focusing on two questions: 

  • How have equality bodies and civil society contributed to the Roma Framework? 
  • How can their involvement improve monitoring frameworks for the EU ARAP? 

To find out more, read the full report and vist the event page.


Questions or comments? Feel free to get in touch.  

Tomas De Jong

Tomas De Jong

Policy Manager

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