Invest and Protect

Sustainable financing to tackle AMR

7 May 2019

09:15 - 13:15


Organised by the European Public Health Alliance in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee, under the patronage of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The global threat of AMR is not only a serious cross-border health challenge but also jeopardises the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What can the EU do to support Member States’ efforts to tackle AMR nationally, regionally and locally? How can the use of EU financial instruments and technical assistance services reduce inequalities present between and within EU countries and strengthen the implementation of One Health national AMR policies and actions?


Moderator – Frazer Goodwin, Human Ecology Consulting

  • Stefan Staicu, Health Attaché, Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU
  • EESC Representative (TBC)
A global development challenge
  • Danilo Lo Fo Wong, Programme Manager (AMR), WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • Merel Langelaar, Coordination Specialist Senior Inspector, Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate/EU-JAMRAI Project Partner (Work Package 5)
  • Andreas Sandgren, Deputy Head of ReAct Europe
Sustainable actions, investments and funding for national and regional AMR policy implementation
  • Charles Price, Policy Officer, DG SANTE, European Commission
  • Federico Paoli, Policy Officer, Structural Reform Support Service, European Commission
  • Michael Feith, Policy Officer, DG ECFIN, European Commission
  • Nicole Lakowa, Project Leader / Thomas Grünewald, Lead physician, Antibiotic Network in Saxony (ABNW)
  • Rosa Castro, Project Manager, ESI Funds for Health, Milieu Ltd.
The road ahead – Conclusions
  • Ann Marie Borg, Policy Coordinator (AMR), European Public Health Alliance

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