The Health Argument for Clean Heating and Cooking:

Ways to reduce air pollution

31 March 2022

11:00 - 12:30 CET


While Europe is still using fossil fuels and biomass to meet most of its heating and cooking demands, buildings have been largely ignored hitherto as a source of air pollution. The discussions thus aim to raise awareness of the changes needed in this sector and to explore the roles that different stakeholders can play in the green transition.

In the context of the ‘Fit for 55’ package and of the Ambient Air Quality Directives revision, it is important to address the health impacts of air pollution caused by residential heating and cooking. This event aims to host a conversation informed by the findings of a new study undertaken by CE Delft for EPHA.

Event Takeaways:

Shine a light on the health harms of air pollution

Reflect on role of local authorities in the transition to clean energy 

Discuss ways to integrate health in sectoral policies 

Discover the role of energy efficiency and alternative heating technologies in reducing air pollution





Welcome and Opening Remarks
  • Dr Milka Sokolović, Director General, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) 
Presentation: Health-related social costs of air pollution from residential heating and cooking
  • Marisa Korteland, Senior researcher, CE Delft  
Download the presentation
Panel Discussion
  • Prof Zorana Andersen, Environment and Health Committee Chair, European Respiratory Society 
  • Dr Richard Lowes, Senior Associate, Regulatory Assistance Project
  • Pau Garcia Audi, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG ENER.B.3 Buildings and Products
  • Patrycja Płonka, Project Manager, The Association of Municipalities Polish Network Energie Cités

The discussion will be moderated by Cristina Pricop – Policy Manager, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA).

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