Towards a childhood free from unhealthy food marketing

9 November 2021

15:00 – 16:30 CET


Towards a childhood free from unhealthy food marketing:
exploring the next frontier for European action

The evidence is clear: unhealthy food marketing affects what children eat, and ultimately, their health and well-being.
This event will discuss a blueprint Directive to comprehensively tackle young people’s exposure to health-harmful food marketing. Join us to explore what the EU can actually do to protect children’s rights and health.


Sarah Wiener

Sarah Wiener

Member of the European Parliament

Jo Jewell

Jo Jewell


Amandine Garde

Amandine Garde

University of Liverpool

Nelleke Polderman

Nelleke Polderman



Manuela Ripa

Manuela Ripa

Member of the European Parliament

Patrick O’Sullivan

Patrick O’Sullivan

Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME)

Sibylle Reichert

Sibylle Reichert

International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM)

Shira Zelber-Sagi

Shira Zelber-Sagi


Sarah Wiener

Sarah Wiener


Tasha Mhakayakora

Tasha Mhakayakora

Bite Back 2030

Moderated by

Nikolai Pushkarev

Nikolai Pushkarev


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