What’s the healthiest replacement for Diesel?

30 June 2022

10:00 - 11:30 CEST


Air pollution from diesel road vehicles costs Europe billions every year. So what should we replace diesel with? After the European Parliament’s vote to end the sale of new diesel and petrol vehicles by 2035 – we ask what the healthiest replacement for diesel is, and what we can do to accelerate the transition.

This event launched a new study by independent researchers from CE Delft on the best alternative to diesel vehicles. Policy and industry specialists will discuss the study’s findings, and what needs to happen to make Europe the first diesel-free continent.






Welcome and Opening Remarks 

  • Dr Milka Sokolović | Director General, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) 


Presentation – Fuel and drivetrain options for road transport: impact on air pollution and external costs

  • Anco Hoen | Senior Consultant for Mobility & Transport, CE Delft

Download the presentation Download the study


Panel Discussion

  • Anna Krajinska | Emissions Engineer, Transport & Environment
  • Ian Catlow |Head of London office in Brussels & Chair of Eurocities working group “Zero Emission Mobility”
  • Prof Zorana Andersen | Professor in Environmental Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen and Environment and Health Committee Chair, European Respiratory Society (ERS)
  • Onoph Caron | Director of Elaad.nl and member of the steering group for the infrastructure for electric vehicles, Dutch Government

Intervention by Sara Cerdas, Member of the European Parliament.

The discussion will be moderated by Richard Doughty.

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