
by | February 28, 2006 | Uncategorized

Food marketing to children Vs Halting the obesity epidemic

The United States Institute of Medicine of the National Academies published a report on Food Marketing and Children, titled “Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?”.

Commissioned by the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the US Congress, the report presents a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence on the influence of food marketing on American children’s and adolescents’ diet and health.

The US Committee on Food Marketing and the Diets of Children and Youth concluded that:

– Along with many other intersecting factors, food and beverage marketing influences the diets and health prospects of children and youth;

– Food and beverage marketing practices geared to children and youth are out of balance with healthful diets and contribute to an environment that puts their health at risk;

– Food and beverage companies, restaurants, and marketers have underutilized potential to devote creativity and resources to develop and promote food, beverages, and meals that support healthful diets for children and youth;

– Achieving healthful diets for children and youth will require sustained, multisectoral, and integrated efforts that include industry leadership and initiative;

– Public policy programs and incentives do not currently have the support or authority to address many of the current and emerging marketing practices that influence the diets of children and youth.

It also provides recommendations for developing healthier marketing and advertising strategies for many stakeholders (e.g. food beverage, and restaurant industries; food retailers and trade associations; the entertainment industry and the media; parents and caregivers; schools; and the U.S. government):

– A long-term, multifaceted social marketing campaign, initiated by the government in partnership with the private sector, could support parents, caregivers, and children and youth to make healthy food choices;

– State and local educational authorities, with support from parents, health authorities, and other stakeholders, should educate about and promote healthful diets for children and youth in all aspects of the school enviroment.

The report concludes that a sustained commitment from all stakeholders in the society is required to achieve healthy eating environment for children and youth.

It echoes the conclusions reached by Prof. Gerard Hastings and colleagues in a 2003 report titled “Does Food Promotion Influence Children? A Systematic Review of the Evidence.”

For more information:

– EPHA’s section on nutrition

U.S. report calls for “Urgent effort to combat obesity”

Obesity in children and young people: A crisis in public health

Watching TV increases the risk of obesity

Health and Consumer Intergroup in the European Parliament: meeting on Unhealthy food advertising: parents under pressure; obese children

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