
by | January 26, 2009 | Uncategorized

Green Paper on the European Workforce for Health, December 2008

On 10 December 2008, the European Commission (DG Sanco) released the long-awaited Green Paper on the European workforce for health at the Albert Borschette building in Brussels.

Green Paper on European Workforce for Health

The Green Paper will start a debate on the availability, mobility, and the financing and maximising of the potential of the health workforce in Europe. This debate has been sparked by several key factors: one is what some are calling a ‘brain drain’ – the movement of qualified professionals from east to west and from developing to developed countries.

Another key factor in the debate is the ageing population and the increasing need for care as well as the increasing retirement age and a shortage of younger healthcare professionals.

Through the Green Paper, the Commission is asking stakeholders for their opinions and views on how to address the issues around European health workforce as well as posing the question, is European level intervention needed?

**EPHA has sent its response to the European Commission**

The EPHA Draft consultation response is now available:

– [->doc3477]
– [->doc3478]

The Briefing and Guiding questions for the EPHA consultation can be found below:

– [->doc3362]
– [->doc3361]

The EPHA Secretariat would like to thank all those who helped EPHA to form its response.

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