Health equity for Romani people in the context of Europe’s recovery and resilience

28 September 2021

15:00 - 17:00 CET


In response to the pandemic, the European Commission created the Recovery and Resilience Facility- a mechanism aiming to support national governments to mitigate the social and economic consequences of the pandemic. However, growing evidence, including civil society reports, demonstrates lower investment in vulnerable groups which experienced disproportionate public health, social and economic effects of the pandemic.

COVID-19 contributed to the development of wider disparities between Roma and the general population and exacerbated poverty and social exclusion, therefore, revealing that long-standing inequalities leave society and the economy vulnerable to crises. This lesson learned from the pandemic needs to be integrated into policy measures aiming to ensure Europe’s recovery and bring an end to health and social disparities for generations to come.

This event, organised jointly by EPHA and Eurodiaconia aims to provide a critical analysis of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans and how they address the needs of the Roma population in a post-COVID context. Taking place during Roma Week 2021, the discussion also aims to provide a space for structured dialogue between European and national policymakers, civil society organisations, service providers, and Roma advocates involved in the design of national and local policies to build health equity.


15.00 - 15:10 | Welcome and Opening Remarks
15:10 - 15:50 | Panel Discussion I

Prioritising Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Europe’s Recovery from COVID

Moderated by Abriel Schieffelers, Policy and Membership Development Officer at Eurodiaconia


  • Amana Ferro, Senior Policy Adviser at ERGO Network
  • Radost Zaharieva, Policy Coordinator for Health Inequalities at EPHA
  • Anca Enache, Development Manager at Helsinki Deaconess Foundation
  • Robert Matei, ROMACT national facilitator, Romania
15:50 - 16:00 | Questions and Answers
16:00 - 16:40 | Panel Discussion II

Strengthening policy mobilisation to mitigate the public health, social and economic impact of the pandemic on Roma

Moderated by Alva Finn, Director of the Social Platform


  • Felix Poirier, EC, Recovery and Resilience Task Force- Social Affairs, Education, Health
  • Georgia Efremova, Policy Officer – Social Impact Investment, EC DG Regio
  • Permanent Representation of Slovenia to the EU – TBC
16:40 - 16:55 | Questions and Answers
16:55 - 17:00 | Closing Remarks and Conclusion

Event Materials

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