
by | June 28, 2012 | News Release

Horizon 2020 – promoting better health outcomes through coordination, open access and civil society involvement

EPHA released its position on Horizon 2020. This document is a result, jointly with its members, to provide the public health opinion in light of the negotiations on Horizon 2020 programme. EPHA welcomes public health priorities recommended by the European Commission. The public health community encourages EU and national decision makers to support the health theme, efforts to promote coordination and access to data.

EPHA Position on Horizon 2020

In a different approach to Innovation, EPHA argues for a broad definition of innovation in Horizon 2020 and for innovation to be guided by criteria of public interest. DG Research and innovation highlight the importance of chronic diseases to the EU, yet no reference is made to the third largest chronic disease group -respiratory disease.

EPHA proposes that the health theme in Horizon 2020 be used to promote evidenced based policy making and in this way can complement the health for growth programme that implements health policy in the EU.

EPHA also highlights the lack of coordinate on of research across all disciplines and between health stakeholders, which has led to duplication and fragmentation of research efforts, gaps in the health research continuum, and significant limitations on Europe’s overall progress to innovate.

EU research & innovation funding should be used to advance public sector interests such as public health. Another point advocated by EPHA is greater NGO involvement. This is necessary for better scientific outcomes and to ensure research meets real needs. Greater involvement of CSOs in Horizons 2020 will ensure that real needs and problems are addressed and the developed solutions will increase in acceptability when entering the market.

EPHA encourages the EU to facilitate the sustainability of research projects, so that after the research has been conducted, it can effectively be applied to policy-making and continue to make an impact.

EPHA encourages EU decision makers to earmark funding for research that explores de-linkage models that dissociate the medicines prices from the cost of R&D, as outlined in recent EU commitments in the Council Conclusions on Global Health, and the Innovation Union. Promoting open access to research results will promote better health outcomes.

EPHA Position on Horizon 2020

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