
How Slovenia managed to ban flavours in E-Cigarettes

Guest Article by Mihaela Lovše, President (Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control)

In March 2024 changes to the tobacco legislation were officially approved in Slovenia. These changes are in accordance with the Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2022/2100. The biggest achievements of the amended legislation are the ban on all flavours (except the tobacco flavour) in electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products and shortening of the transition period of the smoking rooms ban. The law entered into force on 24 April 2024. The ban on flavoursin heated tobacco products enters into force on 24 May 2024, the ban on flavours in e-cigarettes on 24 April 2025 and the ban on smoking rooms in the end of 2025.

The Power of NGOs

Slovenian non-governmental organisations had an important role in achieving this success. First, Slovenian NGOs cooperated constructively in the public consultation, gave our own suggestions and supported the proposal of the amendments. At the same time we issued public statements in support of the proposal. NGOs also worked together with public health institutionsto influence the decision-makers and to convince the public to support health for all, which was done through interviews with the media and issuing public statements. We had a positive experience with the media, which was very supportive and on the side of health. Representatives of NGOs and public health institutions also actively participated in several committee sessions, where the legislation was being discussed by the decision makers.

Support from Foreign NGOs

In order to gain the support from the Slovenian decision makers, Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control prepared several Letters of Support addressed to the decision makers, over the period of a few months. We sent the letters to foreign NGOs in the field of tobacco control, where we are active members (European Public Health Alliance – EPHA, European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention – ENSP and SmokeFree Partnership – SFP). We asked them to forward the Letters of Support to their members and ask them to sign the letters and send them to the Slovenian decision makers. 24 foreign NGOs from 20 different countries have sent Letters of Support to Slovenian decision makers. Some members have also added additional facts and links to researches in their letters. This proved to be successful. A network of NGOs, which help each other, is extremely important in achieving changes in any field.


One of the challenges that we have faced during this time, were the opponents to the changes to the tobacco legislation. These were Slovenian vape shop owners and an NGO, which unites vapers. They advocated that the use of flavoured electronic cigarettes is less harmful and is a successful smoking cessation aid. During this process the tobacco industry also heavily promoted tobacco and tobacco related products to children and adolescents.

Model of Good Practice

Slovenia’s success in achieving changes to the tobacco legislation can serve as a model of good practice to other countries, which have yet to achieve the same, as well as anyone who wants to achieve changes in their respective field. We hope that the Slovenian model of good practice can help other countries to follow Slovenia’s path.

Disclaimer: the opinions – including possible policy recommendations – expressed in the article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of EPHA. The mere appearance of the articles on the EPHA website does not mean an endorsement by EPHA.

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