
by | February 10, 2017 | Opinion

Introducing the EUMH Alliance

eumh mental health EPHA

EPHA is pleased to introduce the European Alliance for Mental Health – Employment & Work (EUMH Alliance) that we support as an active member. The EUMH Alliance is an informal coalition of European organisations, which aims to promote mental health and well-being in the workplace, to advocate for equal access to the labour market for all people experiencing mental ill health and to stimulate policy developments at EU level in these areas. This initiative unites the following members:

  • AEIP (the European Association of Paritarian Institution)
  • AIM (International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies)
  • EPHA (European Public Health Alliance)
  • GGZ Nederland (Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care)
  • MHE (Mental Health Europe)
  • EuroHealthNet

The Alliance’s work focuses on two perspectives: workplace settings and employment. You can read more about its mission statement and how to get involved by visiting their website.

Here you will find the latest news, publications, upcoming events and information about the EUMH Alliance’s ongoing work. #EUMHAlliance


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