
by | September 30, 2010 | Uncategorized

Investing in Europe’s health workforce of tomorrow – ministerial conference.

The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has organised a ministerial conference to increase the political attention to invest in a sufficient, motivated and well-skilled health workforce across the EU. The event took place on 9 and 10 September 2010.

The purpose of the ministerial conference was to raise awareness of the growing problem of the European health workforce, and to support developing a coherent approach towards national and regional policies and actions in this field.

In the light of this, and also considering health workforce mobility and the importance of equipping health professionals with appropriate skills to meet current and future needs and demands, the event focused on four main areas for future innovation and collaboration:

1. The assessment of future health workforce needs both in terms of numbers and types of skills

2. Creating the best working environments to attract and retain health professionals, as well as to support them in their tasks

3. The assessment of needed changes in competence profiles and skill mix through training and lifelong learning

4. Promoting a learning culture among health professionals that further strengthens patient safety and better quality of care


– promote public debate on job recognition and the societal significance of workforce for health;

– enable flexible employment and work-life balance;

– create opportunities for gaining qualifications;

– promote retention and active ageing policies;

– make use of Structural Funds and the Open Method of Coordination;

– underline the importance of competence-based Continuous Professional Development (CPD) but with no imperative;

– improve the Working Time Directive and raise awareness of the danger of the market-based approach towards health;

– invest in leadership, ownership and professionalisation;

– promote EU competence in prevention and health promotion rather than just focusing on treatment only

– address the underlying forces of health professionals mobility;

– set up a data collection and exchange platform on the EU health workforce;

– create a EU-wide action plan to tackle the problem and work towards a clear strategy on workforce for health;

– harmonise and clarify qualifications and skills as well as create a common ground for EU health workforce;

– ensure that exisitng EU-level tools and mechanisms are implemented;

– build trust and facilitate CPD.

Ms Laurette Onkelinx, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health on behalf of the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council announced to present the conclusions and recommendations of the conference to the Council in December 2010.


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