
by | October 22, 2013 | Uncategorized

IPPF-EN calls for support to EP report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The International Planned Parenthood Federation – European Network (IPPF-EN) – EPHA member organisation – calls for help to advance sexual reproductive health and rights in Europe. On Tuesday, October 22nd, the European Parliament has a unique opportunity to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights not only in Europe but also in global perspective. The MEPs will vote on a report on sexual and reproductive health and rights: the ‘Estrela report’. Read and share the ‘5-reasons-why’ factsheet on Facebook, Twitter and email it to your Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in your own language today #SRHRreport hashtag.

October 22nd 2013 IPPF-EN states that if the report is adopted, it will serve as a policy beacon for all other European Union institutions and will be a major milestone for support Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). The report calls for, among other things:

  • sexuality education for all young people
  • SRHR funding in EU development cooperation
  • access to modern contraception and legal, safe and accessible abortion for all as well protection of minorities as part of the human rights framework.

IPPF-EN considers the report is SRHR-friendly and requests greater concerted support.

Help us to get YOUR MEP to vote in favour of the Estrela Report by spreading the word!!

– IPPF-EN’s 5 reasons document available here

For more information please contact Irene Donadio at

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