
“It’s time to invest in a healthy future” EPHA joins calls for more EU support for health in the wake of COVID19

The European Public Health Alliance, as part of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance, has joined calls for the European Commission’s new health programme to be based on 10 guiding principles

The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the inefficiency and inequity of our healthcare systems. The decision of EU national governments to reduce health funding from €9.4 billion to €1.7 billion at the last European Council drastically reduces its ability to properly protect the health of its people, according to the 26 members of the Aliiance.

Public health must be a key priority. The  guiding principles set out the actions that should be taken to strengthen and improve health systems across the EU. We need to be ready with long-term global strategies aiming at strengthening health promotion and prevention, ensure our health systems sustainable and support good health for all.

The new health programme is due to be voted on by MEPs in the European Parliament Committee on Public Health, Food Safety and the Environment (ENVI) at the end of September, and by the plenary later in the autumn. The Alliance hopes MEPs will take thes principles to heart in the upcoming votes.  Read the guiding principles in full below.

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