
Joint Statement and Call to Action on AMR endorsed by over 40 organisations, further signatures welcome!

Following its delivery at the European Commission’s Health Policy Platform on 27 November 2017, the EPHA-led Joint Statement and Call to Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), supporting and improving the implementation of the EU One Health Action Plan against AMR, has been endorsed by over 40 organisations from different sectors

The European Commission will arrange a follow-up meeting to discuss the content of these documents over the coming weeks, and the former Thematic Network has already been transformed into a longer-term Stakeholder Network that will maintain a presence on the Health Policy Platform. The precise purpose and objectives of the new network remain to be discussed and defined, but it allows the current group of endorsing organisations to keep exchanging information and collaborating. EPHA will continue its advocacy for formal engagement of civil society in One Health AMR decision-making processes given our ability to point out implementation gaps based on real-world needs and evidence.

EPHA members and partners are encouraged to use the Joint Statement and Call to Action in their advocacy and campaigning and promote their contents during policy events, meetings with EU/national/regional policymakers and partner organisations, as well as online and through social media. They will remain “living documents” in the sense that future endorsement is still possible (please contact  EPHA will provide a final implementation report related to the Joint Statement to the Commission in September 2018.

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