
Joint Statement I Without rights for agri-food workers, Europe’s food supplies rest on shaky grounds

EPHA joins 27 other organisations in highlighting the critical importance of good working conditions for food chain workers for ensuring food and nutrition security and food system resilience. The statement recommends both urgent measures with a view to COVID-19 and structural changes related to the social dimension of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Farm to Fork Strategy.


1. Address the situation of agri-food workers as a matter of urgency during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Transform the new CAP to make it both socially and environmentally sustainable.

3. Include a focus on workers in the Farm to Fork Strategy.

4. Ensure full access to declared employment for migrant and refugee workers.

5. Improve functioning of work permit routes for non-EU migrants to reach Europe and en-force respect for migrant and refugee workers’ rights.

6. Roll out mandatory EU legislation on human rights and environmental due diligence.

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