
by | August 3, 2015 | News Release, Statements

July-August 2015 Newsletter – Is a Union for Health already within reach?

Is a Union for Health already within reach?

For the European Commission and Parliament, the summer holidays are a time for relaxation; a time to maybe reflect on the past political year and to see what’s ahead for ‘la rentrée’ (return to work) in Brussels. This year, the new political calendar will get off to a thought-provoking start with EPHA’s Annual Conference on 2-3 September.

The theme of our conference will be ‘Towards a European Union for Health’. We will hear from Ministers from Greece, Poland and Ireland about the different challenges that they have faced and what the EU can do (or stop doing) to help them deliver better health at home. Leading thinkers on public and global health policy, Professor Ilona Kickbusch and Professor Martin McKee will present their thoughts to policy-makers from national governments, the European Parliament and European Commission as well as the public health community.

A ‘Union for Health’ may seem far off, but as this month’s broad range of articles makes clear, it is in some ways already a reality. Europe’s impact on public health spans beyond just health systems measures.

For instance, the international trade ‘TTIP’ negotiations with the US will continue to dominate the European agenda this autumn and beyond. Strong safeguards are still needed to ensure our health will remain protected, particularly in relation to food and health services.

Conference Proceedings: TTIP – Increased Trade for Better Living? (15-16 June event report)
EPHA Position: How to include Public Health into the EU Trade Policy Strategy?
EHN-EPHA Joint Press Release: European Parliament safeguards health in TTIP, says No to ‘business as usual’ ISDS

Another big action point for Europe later this year will be the Paris UNFCCC climate conference, a new series in The Lancet makes very clear that climate measures are also health measures and vice versa. A very good example is the European Parliament’s recent vote to strengthen air quality standards.

Climate change set to undermine 50 years of gains in global health
Press Release: ENVI Committee calls for cleaner air
Letter to MEPs: Call for Clean Air

European internal market rules also have a huge impact on health, as illustrated by articles on complementary medicines and implementation of the Tobacco Products Directive.
‘Freedom of no choice’? Discussing the availability of CAM products in Europe
Tobacco control: Governments should not rest on their laurels

The international development agenda is also intimately linked to global health, as the article on tiered drug pricing shows.
Evaluation of the Regulation on Tiered Pricing of Medicines

Education policy also plays a vital role in prevention and care, as discussed at a conference on Health Literacy.
What future role for health literacy in Europe?

And finally, a fascinating article on Germany’s new Prevention Law, which makes clear how much more national governments could be doing to integrate a preventative approach to all policies.

New German law promotes prevention and health promotion – will it deliver?

The EPHA team wishes you a happy and healthy summer and looks forward to welcoming you back to Brussels on 2nd September!

Nina Renshaw

EPHA Secretary-General

OTHER ARTICLES published on our website in recent weeks


EPHA side events:

Towards a European Union for Health? The other Europe: What can YOU do? The case of connecting Roma people – living in secluded communities – to basic healthcare
Policies to prevent obesity-related chronic diseases

Click image for agenda & registration

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