
by | December 18, 2019 | Uncategorized

Levy on sugary products

Highlighted in bright orange are countries that have implemented a levy on sugary products. Highlighted in light orange are countries that will be implementing a levy on sugary products within the next year. 

The World Health Organization recommends limiting the intake of free sugars to maximum 10% of total energy intake, and even better, to less than 5%. In most countries average consumption is significantly higher. Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, dental caries and cardiovascular disease. Excessive consumption therefore also imparts a substantial burden on health systems.

Levies on sugary products work, and can either act as a price signal to consumers, or incentivise industry to reformulate products to avoid paying the levy. Studies suggest that a most effective levy rate would result in a 20% price difference. Few countries seem to attain this level, however. Levies, as they generate revenues, can be earmarked for specific public investments. Such levies also have the potential to reduce health inequities.

Countries with a levy on sugary products

Belgium – sugary drinks

Croatia – sugary drinks

Denmark – sugar products and chocolate

Estonia – sugar drinks

Finland – sugary drinks

France – sugary drinks

Hungary – sugary drinks and certain other sugary products

Ireland – sugary drinks

Latvia – sugary drinks

Poland – sugar drinks

Portugal – sugary drinks

Spain – sugar drinks

United Kingdom – sugary drinks

In progress

Italy – adopted, but postponed to 2023 due to COVID-19, will be implemented on sugary drinks

Policies for healthy living environments





Latest update: December 10, 2021

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