
Make alcohol policy the priority it should be — Joint Statement

Europe has the highest rates of alcohol consumption per person, the highest prevalence of heavy episodic alcohol use, and the lowest rates of alcohol abstention in the world. Against this backdrop, and in the context of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, a historic decision was taken through the unanimous adoption of the WHO Framework for Action on Alcohol (2022–2025). This initiative highlights six priorities such as marketing, availability, and pricing, among others. A joint statement led by Movendi International and co-signed by several organisations, including EPHA, welcomes this Framework and supports its implementation.

There is no safe level of alcohol consumption, and public recognition of alcohol harm remains worryingly low across Europe. Therefore, we call on Member States and the WHO to:

  • Adequately resource full implementation of the framework,
  • Develop guidance to protect alcohol policy from industry interference, and
  • Strengthen the governance of alcohol policy at the regional level.

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