
by | November 25, 2021 | Opinion

#MEPvsAMR: preventing antimicrobial resistance requires concerted efforts at the national and European level

The 2021 World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) provided an excellent opportunity for the MEP Interest Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) to connect with citizens across the European Union, and raise awareness about this WHO top priority global health threat. 

The aim of the MEP Interest Group on AMR is to place AMR high on the EU policy agenda, and to ensure that Europe takes a global lead on this issue. The Interest Group brings together individuals from across the political spectrum, and from a diversity of professional backgrounds, all contributing unique and valuable perspectives, united in a common concern regarding AMR. This concern, shared by scientific insight, is that if AMR is not properly addressed now, future treatment of routine infections will become ineffective, risking the lives of those infected. The group stresses that preventing AMR requires concerted efforts at the national and European level, since the spread of AMR knows no borders.  

The 2021 WAAW campaign involved a One Health approach to fight AMR, with MEPs addressing human, animal and environmental health. The One Health approach is critical to combat AMR as it addresses all areas of impact from raising awareness, policy making, international politics, research and development, pharmaceutical pollution and animal husbandry, with the primary aim of prevention. Each day of the campaign had a unique video message from a different  MEP member, transmitted across social media platforms, in their native language, with English subtitles. This dissemination process ensured that diverse audiences understood the importance of stopping AMR becoming the next pandemic. The messages included the need to limit the use of antibiotics in animal feed; develop new antibiotics, whilst ensuring their affordability and rational use; reduce environmental pollution of antimicrobials; raise awareness of the risks of AMR for nosocomial infections; and agree on common rules in antibiotic use. These communications were linked using the Interest Group’s hashtag: #MEPvsAMR.

The 2021 campaign built upon the positive response to the actions organised during WAAW 2020, when MEPs posted pictures with information cards on key AMR topics, again under the One Health approach. This campaign can be viewed here.

World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

Diese Woche ist World Antimicrobial Awareness Week. Das #EP kann eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Förderung von Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der #Antimikrobiellen Resistenz spielen. Zusammen mit anderen Abgeordneten arbeite ich daran, #AMR ganz oben auf die politische Agenda der EU zu bringen. Verfolge unsere Arbeit unter #EAAD #WAAW #MEPvsAMR

Posted by Sarah Wiener on Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Stop overforbrug af antibiotika i vores fødevarer? 33.000 europæere dør årligt på grund af antimikrobiel resistens. Det skyldes bl.a. at de er blevet resistense overfor antibiotika? I denne uge er det 'World Antimicrobial Awareness Week' og det er godt at vi nu sætter fokus på det i EU!. For unødvendigt overforbrug af antibiotika i madproduktion har været et kæmpe problem i alt for lang tidi EU Særligt i vores kødproduktion, at forbruget af antibiotika skaber øget resistens. heldigvis er vi godt med i Danmark? Men meget af vores fødevareproduktion foregår også uden for vores egne grænser. Derfor skal vi have stramme, fælles europæiske regler, med bedre kontrol og overvågning, så vi kan komme det til livs! #EAAD #WAAW #MEPvsAMR

Posted by Christel Schaldemose on Wednesday, 24 November 2021

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