
by and | May 25, 2023 | Statements

New alcohol labelling law in Ireland – an important step to ensure consumer’s rights

This week, our member Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI) achieved significant success as requirements for alcohol labelling to state the health effects of alcohol consumption were signed into law. EPHA would like to extend its congratulations and support to AAI for their dedication and efforts in getting this law passed.

On Monday, Stephen Donnelly, Minister for Health in Ireland, signed into law regulations that mandate alcohol labels to include health risks associated with consumption, including the link to fatal cancers. Globally, alcohol causes 3 million deaths per year, with 1 million occurring in Europe, making Europe the region with the highest percentage of deaths directly attributed to alcohol consumption.

This accomplishment required unwavering commitment to protecting health, despite strong opposition from influential lobbies within the EU. It was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and civil society organizations, led by AAI. The passage and adoption of this regulation mark a significant step towards reducing alcohol-related harm in Ireland and, hopefully, serve as a catalyst for the development of a common European policy on alcohol-induced mortality prevention.

EPHA, along with its members, will continue advocating for better health information, accessible to all. Today, we have come one step closer to achieving this goal.

European consumers have a basic fundamental right to know this information. Well done Ireland for being the first country to force the alcohol industry to admit alcohol causes cancer on their labels. Let’s hope that politicians in the rest of Europe follow suit.

Prof Nick Sheron

Visiting Professor of Hepatology, Foundation for Liver Studies, Kings College London, and EPHA Scientific Advisor

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